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Veckans Tips: Ät en blandning av färger

Kategori: -Veckans Hälsotips för att uppnå Välbefinnande

Hittade en gammal text på datorn från när jag gjorde min första modul. Den handlar om hur olika färger i grönsakeroch frukter har olika effekter på kroppen. Så tipset är att blanda så många färger som möjligt i varje måltid för att få i dig så många näringsämnen som möjligt. Så här kommer en kopierad text på engelska. (Jag tror att texten är skriven av Jane Oelke, N.D., Ph.D.)
Green Foods – broccoli, kale, leaf and romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Green foods are especially good for the circulatory system. They contain many minerals and B-complex vitamins. Some phytochemicals found in green foods are sulforaphane and indoles that are very powerful anti-cancer compounds. Researchers have tried to use these as isolated phytochemicals but find that they only work while in the whole food form.

Red Foods – tomatoes, watermelon, red cabbage.

Red foods contain many phytochemicals that reduce free radical damage. The phytochemical called lycopene is especially helpful to prevent prostate problems, and reduce the effects of sun damage on the skin. Lycopene is the phytochemical that make the red foods get their red color.

Orange Foods – carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, apricots, cantaloupe.

The orange foods have the carotenoids the help prevent cancer by repairing the DNA. As our mothers told us, carrots, and other orange foods, are especially good for our eyes, and help with night vision. The deep orange foods help our bodies get the vitamin A we need, without getting excess that can lead to osteoporosis.

Green/Yellow Foods – yellow corn, green peas, collard greens, avocado and honeydew melon.

This combination of green and yellow foods contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help reduce the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. These foods are also helpful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Orange /Yellow Foods – oranges, pineapple, tangerines, peaches, papaya, nectarines

These foods that are orange and yellow in color are high in antioxidants, especially Vitamin C, and help to improve the health of the mucus membranes and connective tissue. They help prevent heart disease by improving circulation and preventing inflammation.

White/Green Foods – onions, garlic, celery, pears, chives

White and green combination foods contain a variety of phytochemicals. Garlic and onions contain allicin, the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal phytochemical, and they can act as a poor man’s antibiotic. Add garlic and onions in your meals to reduce the effects of potential toxicity of high fat meats. Celery has many minerals, especially organic sodium, that keeps the fluid in the joints healthy.

Red/Blue/Purple Foods – red apples, beets, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, prunes, concord grapes, blackberries.

These dark colored red/blue/purple foods are very rich in powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins that protect again heart disease by improving circulation and preventing blood clots. They have many anti-aging phytochemicals that keep the blood circulating reducing the effects of the Standard American Diet rich in trans fats and processed foods.
Tyvärr skulle jag nog inte vilja påstå att jag har samtliga färger i min mat dagligen. Till frukost kan det blir bär till yogurt, annars är det inte mycket färg i mina frukostar. Till lunch äter jag på buffen på jobbet och i salladsbuffen finns 7-8 olika grönsaker som jag varierar mig mellan. Till middag slänger jag oftast ihop en blandsallad av det som finns i kylen. Och det kan variera från vecka till vecka. Den dagliga frukten/mellanmålet varierar mellan äpple, banan, mandarin, apelsin, blåbär, mango eller avokado nu för tiden.
Äter du en blandning avsamtliga färger i din kost, dagligen??


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