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Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Jag som gästbloggar i dag hos Sabine heter Camilla och är 43 år och bor i Örebro med make och våra barn som är 22 och 17 år. Jag driver Millas hälsoblogg sedan 3 år tillbaka och det som gjorde att jag började blogga var av flera orsaker. Jag har länge varit intresserad av hälsa, miljö, natur, mat och träning.
Intresset för hälsans helhet ökade när min pappa var svårt sjuk i diabetes och hjärt – kärlsjukdom (tyvärr finns han nu inte kvar här på jordelivet)
När jag sedan blev ambassadör för Risenta (2010-2011) och jag träffade andra ambassadörer och några av dem hade bloggar så kändes det naturligt att starta Millas hälsoblogg. Nu kunde jag förmedla mina tankar om miljö, god mat och annat som inspirerar mig och förhoppningsvis smittar av sig.
Jag tänkte dela med mig av en intressant bok som jag nyss har läst efter att jag varit på en föreläsning med en av författarna till boken: Jorden vi äter (som är Naturskyddsföreningens årsbok 2013).
Författarna Ann-Helen Meyer von Bremen och Gunnar Rundgren har rest runt i världen och besökt jordbrukare och boskapsuppfödare. De har träffat jordbrukare som driver ekologiskt jordbruk och de som driver konventionellt jordbruk, småbönder och storbönder. Alla har de olika förutsättningar och boken visar en bra bild av hur matsituationen ser ut i världen.
Det som skrämmer mig både när jag läser boken och när jag hör föreläsningen är hur pengar styr. Det som odlas är för tillfället det som ger mest betalt, inte vad som skulle passa bäst i marken ur ett kretsloppsperspektiv. Om man tjänar en liten slant på att bespruta eller köpa genmodifierat utsäde så gör man det. Det är inte jordens, ekosystemens eller djurens bästa man tänker på utan pengar. Odlingsbar mark ligger i vila för att det inte lönar sig att odla upp den, i Sverige rör det sig om ca 800 000 hektar enligt Jordbruksverket.
"Att producera mat för en växande befolkning på ett mer ekologiskt sätt är fullt möjligt. Det är inte jordbruksteknik utan politisk vilja som begränsar. Vilken mat, vilket lantbruk och vilken jord vill du se i framtiden?"
Det kapitel i boken som jag har svårast att ta till mig för att det känns overkligt heter: Tjuvarnas marknad eller bondens livförsäkring? Det handlar om Chicagobörsen och då kan man undra hur detta i Sverige påverkar oss? Eftersom råvaror som majs, soja och vete står för en stor del av matkonsumtionen t.ex som djurfoder, så påverkar det hela världens matpriser. Ja hela tiden handlar det om makt och pengar.
Denna bok väcker många frågor, men några svar har jag ändå fått. Att vi behöver minska köttkonsumtionen i världen särkilt bland dem som konsumerar mycket och där tillhör Sverige. Så att ha en eller två vegetariska dagar i veckan i varje hushåll tror jag skulle göra en hel del. Vi i Sverige skulle komma långt också med att inte kasta så mycket mat utan att ta vara på svinnet, stoppa slöseriet .
Boken finns att köpa hos Adlibris och hos Naturskyddsföreningen.
Jag avslutar detta inlägg med en god soppa
500g morötter
1 gul lök
1 röd chili
1-2 cm färsk ingefära
400 ml kokosmjölk
6 dl vatten
salt & peppar olja
Skala morötterna och skär i slantar.
Hacka gul lök och chili fint. Bryn dem i lite olja i en stor kastrull så att löken blir genomskinlig.
Tillsätt morötterna i kastrullen och häll på vattnet. Låt allt koka upp och koka tills dess att morötterna mjuknat.
Ta av kastrullen från spisen och mixa soppan (lättast med en stavmixer)
Tillsätt kokosmjölk och riv i ingefäran. Låt soppan koka upp och smaka av med salt och peppar.
Jag vill tacka Sabine för att jag fick gästblogga, riktigt roligtJ Sabines blogg har jag läst länge hon inspirerar mig mycket och jag lär mig något nytt varje gång jag kikar in hos henneJ
Kram Milla http://millashalsoblogg.blogspot.se
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Fiber is necessary for a healthy bowel as it is an important substance for elimination of toxic and byproduct as they bind to the fiber. It also controls the rate at which elimination takes place, as it is stimulating bowel movement. Fiber is made up of different combinations of cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, beta-glucan, chitin, gums, lignin and resistant starches.
The dietary fibers are either soluble or insoluble, and they are both promoting a healthy bowel. Soluble fibers are slowing down the digestion while insoluble fibers are making the food pass quicker through the body. Both soluble and insoluble fiber absorbs water, but only the soluble creates a gel-like substance that is promoting a healthy bowel. The gel is the reason digestion slows down as it prolongs the digestion. It is therefore used to stabilize the blood sugar as absorption of carbohydrates is prolonged.
One reason fibers from vegetables are more preferred then the fibers from breakfast cereals is because it is more natural in the vegetables. The breakfast cereals have most of the time been exposed to both heat and pressure during production/formation. In the making of cereals a lot of chemicals (unnatural process) might have been used and chemical agents can be added to make it look, smell, taste or feel a specific way. Crazy, I know! It is also normal that the fibers are added after the substances have been treated with all different sorts of techniques, products that from the beginning contained fiber, minerals and vitamins. Now long gone! The added fibers are not as natural as it was from the beginning and as natural as in vegetables and fruits.
If the companies are using the whole grain and are not removing the outer cover/bran, there is a risk that mineral deficiency develops. This because there is a substance called phytic acid in the outer cover, that are preventing absorption of minerals by getting attached to mineral such as zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. We know that fibers are not absorbed and if the minerals bind to the fiber, they won’t be absorbed either. Most fibers are located in the outer layer of a grain and not much inside the layer/covering/membrane. But as we are comparing fibers from “green” kingdom and cereals with bran, we know that the cereal product contain fiber (as most of the fiber are in the bran) and also that mineral deficiency can develop if too high amount are taken.
Most vegetables contain soluble fiber and are therefore lengthening the digestion time and controlling bowel movement. But it is not possible to draw a line and say “Grains are insoluble and vegetables are not”, as they contain both. It depends on the build-up of that particular fiber. As mention at the beginning, fibers are build up of different combinations of cellulose (insoluble), hemicelluloses (insoluble and soluble), pectin (soluble), beta-glucan (insoluble and soluble) , chitin, gums, lignin (insoluble) and resistant starches, and all of these building blocks react differently. As fruit and vegetables contain soluble fiber it is also good for detoxification and elimination of byproducts, one example is bile that can bind to the fiber and therefore be eliminated from the body. Grains are most of the time insoluble, but exceptions exist.
The vegetables and fruits are also rich in minerals and vitamins that are important for detoxification (from within) as it can support the liver (the main cleaning station of the test tube). Potassium, sulfur (union and Brussels sprouts), chlorine (celery) are some that are helping detoxification. But this brings up another important difference of fiber from vegetables & fruit, and grains. Fruits and vegetables contain much more mineral and vitamins then grains do, and this is an important part as well. Grains mainly give energy in the form of carbohydrates, instead of giving nutrients.
If we are cooking the vegetables slightly before eating we are softening the cellulose, which makes it easier to get hold of the nutrients buried in the vegetable. This is one of the reasons we are recommended to eat both cooked and uncooked vegetables.
Another problem with cereal is the amount of gluten it may contain, if gluten free grains have not been used. The gluten can be harmful if the person are sensitive or allergic, which is more a norm/rule than an exception it this community.
Good sources of fiber include a number of grains used in breakfast cereals: barley, oats, corn, millet, wheat, wild rice, brown rice, kashi and bulgur are some grains commonly found in breakfast cereals and porridges.
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
I chose milk for this assignment. The ingredient in this product is organic low-pasteurized milk and is supplemented with vitamin D and vitamin A. It has been heated to 72-76 degrees for 15 seconds. The package does not inform us about where the cows have lived, where the cow is milked or how far it is from the cow to the factory. I contacted the governmental company called Svensk Mjölk (translation: Swedish Milk) and Arla (the company which are selling the milk) to get information about nutritional information, pasteurization, their view on “organic” and other processed the milk are going through before packaging. I specifically asked for a list of nutrition in the semi-skimmed milk and nutrition in colostrums (raw milk), and was given a rapport of 139 pages. I created the list at the bottom of the page with nutritional value, semi-skimmed milk vs. colostrums. (The figures are not exact.)
The fact that the milk is organic is a good start regarding this product. This means that no pesticides have been used, only natural fertilizer has been used and the cows have not been subjected to any medication. But if a cow, which gives organic milk, gets sick it is seen by a veterinary which decide if the condition will be treated with medication or if alternative treatments can be used. If it is put on medication, the milk won’t be used during medication and the time before the milk can be used again is longer for cows giving organic milk then non-organic milk (withdrawal-time). No medication is used for preventive purposes.
The first process the milk is treated with is separation, which includes separating the water from the fat. In separation; water soluble vitamins ends up in the water, while fat soluble vitamins are present in the fat/cream substance. Most minerals end up in the water substance. After this process different levels of fat/cream are mixed with the watery part to determine the fat content. Semi-skimmed milk, skimmed milk and milk have different levels of fat and fat soluble vitamins. As you can see in the list below, the fatty acids and vitamins are lower in semi-skimmed milk than in colostrums, except for vitamin D which have been added to the product in the supplementation process (see below).
The next step is homogenization which means that the milk is passed through small holes to break up larger fat droplets into smaller one. This process prevents the product to separate into cream and skimmed milk. This make it easier for the body to digest as the fat droplets are smaller, but it is also easier for the body to absorb without any digestive processes as it easily can pass through the intestine wall into the body. It is not a good thing that food particles can pass the intestine wall as they like. Elson Haas claimed that this is a reason cardiovascular diseases increase in today’s society. Oxidation of the milk does decrease by this process, but the taste is lowered.
The next step is to supplement the milk with vitamin A and D as the fat soluble vitamins are lowered and it has to be supplied by law in Sweden. The vitamin D that Arla is using is produced by illuminating sheep-wool with UV light. I did not get information of how vitamin A was produced only that it was ordered by their supplier. I do not know how natural the process for producing the vitamin is, so I can not inform you of this. But if it is a natural product with a natural process that is great news.
After this, pasteurization is needed to destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungus; unfortunately it is also killing the god bacteria needed for the intestines. Pasteurization is also lowering the water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C, the B vitamins, folic acid and protein content to a small degree.
On Arla’s homepage, it says that the fat in the milk is not affected by pasteurization. But I would not agree fully, we know that heat destroys and also damage mono- and poly unsaturated fatty acids. Unfortunately I do not know if 72-76 degrees for 15 seconds is enough time and heat for destroying it. But if we compare each type of fatty acid we see that polyunsaturated fatty acids are lowered with 100%, while total fat, mono- and saturated fatty acids are all lowered with around 65%. If all the numbers would have the same percentage of decrease I would understand their statement, but why would polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease more than the other types of fatty acids if they are were not affected by heat?! So the heat is one of the reasons the fatty acids are lowered in semi-skimmed milk. But mainly it is due to the how much fat is added after the separation (see above). If you remove around 4,18% substance of fat from one liter of milk and then only add 1,5% to get the right amount of fat content, the fat soluble vitamins and fatty acids are lower. Because the fat that was removed contains the vitamins and fatty acids, so these are therefore lost. The saturated fatty acids are not affected, or damaged, by heat as it is more stable.
The water soluble vitamins, B-vitamins and C, in milk are mostly lost affected by the heat during pasteurization as the vitamins are lost during heat. Vitamin B6 can in some forms be very unstable in other forms the heat does not affect the vitamin. Oxidation can affect the folic acid in milk and light can affect the riboflavin. I am not sure about the actual process of pasteurization and if light and/or oxygen are present at all, but it is affected by oxygen before and after the process and so is unpasteurized milk.
The milk contains all 8 essential amino acids, but must be obtained from the cows diet. And the cows from this particular product obtain its food from natural products which is a natural and great thing.
Minerals are stable to heat, but they can bind to proteins molecules if the protein is altered with. So if the mineral bind to this protein it will not be as available as before. One example is that; according to the label 1 dl contains 120mg calcium, but the truth is that the body only absorbs about 29% of this, due to its inorganic form. One good thing with supplementation of vitamin D is that this vitamin is helping the absorption of calcium in the intestines.
One interesting thing that I could not wrap my head around was the fact that the mineral content was increased. I had to contact Svensk Mjölk again to understand the reason. And it brings us back to the separation process. During the separation most of the minerals are placed in the water substance which is 95, 82% of a liter, after 4, 18% fat has been removed. When 1, 5% of fat is added we have 97, 32% of one liter, which mean 2, 68% more water has to be added. In which more minerals are present, so that is the reason why mineral content are higher in processed milk then in colostrums.
Ämne | Mellanmjölk | Råmjölk | |
Semi- | |||
skimmed | Colostrum | ||
milk | milk | Notes | |
Energy | 200KJ/45 kcal | ||
Total fat g. | 1,5 | 4,18 | |
Saturated | 1 | 2,834 | |
Mono unsaturated | 0,4 | 1,203 | |
Poly unsaturated | 0 | 0,104 | |
Transfatty acids g | 0,137 | ||
Cholesterol mg | 6,1 | 13,6 | |
Carbohydrates g | 4,9 | ||
lactose g | 4,86 | 4,73 | |
Protein g | 3,5 | 3,47 | |
Casein gr | 2,69 | ||
Fat soluble vitamins | |||
Vitamin D ug | 0,45 | 0,0096 | Supplied |
Retinol/Vitamin A ug | 12,9 | 36 | |
Vitamin K ug | 0,439 | 1,224 | |
Water soluble vitamins | |||
Tiamin | 0,05 mg | 49 ug | 1μg=o,oo1mg |
Riboflavin | 0,147 mg | 143 ug | 1mg=1000μg |
Pantothenic acid ug | 490 | 477 | |
Folic acid ug | 14,6 | 14,9 | |
Vitamin C mg | 0,6 | 0,8 | |
Vitamin B12 ug | 0,6 | 0,57 | |
Vitamin B6 | 0,045 mg | 43,3 ug | |
Minerals | Water/Fat part | ||
Potassium mg | 160 | 159 | 100/0 |
Chloride mg | 95 | 93 | 100/0 |
Calcium mg | 120 | 119 | 100/0 |
Phosphor mg | 105 | 101 | 100/0 |
Molybden ug | 4,72 | 4,68 | 97//3 |
Iodine ug | 12 | 11,7 | 100/0 |
Iron mg | 0,02 | 0,02 | 86/14 |
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A
Kategori: -Allmänt, Gästbloggare, Hjälp, Q & A