One-To-One med skolan
Kategori: -Mina tankar & känslor
Kategori: -Mina tankar & känslor
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
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Kategori: -Kost/De vi stoppar i oss
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Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
So what are our human potentials? It is when we live without disease and we can use all of our capacity, we are in contact with the universe, and with out own inner wisdom. We experience no fear and are living a life full of love, happiness, courage, calmness and faith. This person are in harmony and vibrancy, wake up every morning and are welcoming the new day, are motivated to find new challenges and make changes, being able to give and receive love & knowledge. We know who we are and what we are capable of. Believe it or not, this is what is possible for us. This is what we call Human Potential; this is who we can become.
Our goal is to reach this potential. If we are connected to the universe (oil, light), if we receive messages (water), listen to ourselves and living our own lives; we know who we are. The way we want to live it without living someone else life or the way other want you to be or live. We are responsible for our own health, or disease, and for our own lives and potentials.
When you take responsibility of your health, test tube and your inner self, in charge of your own motivation of making changes, then you can reach your fullest potential.
When you are changing from dehydrated to being hydrated there are many aspects that are changing. The prospect for day and night exchange is working, we are now able to accept photon of light and there is more movement and vibrancy in the test tube.
Photon of light, rich in electrons can only enter a hydrated body, a body where there is movement; movements with the four electrolytes and also movement of electrons, a charge. Light generate more movement and vibration, and are connecting us to the universe. A diet of unsaturated fatty acids together with sulphur rich proteins attracts the photon of light and could therefore be introduced to the diet as a help on the way. Helps the potential!
When we are hydrated, have a functioning 24 hour cycle, receiving light and electrons, have a balanced pH and perfect temperature of the test tube we see who we are and understand our inner wisdom. This is the full potential of every human being.
It is also necessary to understand that every thought and every emotion has an impact upon the physical body. Negative emotions and thoughts are translated into disease in the body. While positive thinking and emotions bring healthy vibrations in the body. A healthy test tube starts in the mind, before it can be expressed upon the cells.
If we are diseased we are not living our own life, or the life we are possible to live. Nothing is functioning as it could and should. Disease have an impact on our soul and mental being, with that I mean self-confidence, motivation, acceptance of happiness, being who we are and who we can be. If diseased, we can be tired, depressed, not believing in the “impossible”, feel fear and stress and feel lost in who we are. All or some of the body’s functions are out of order. This is what disease can do to us, and we have to do everything we can to prevent this state/condition. We need to do our best to reach the fullest potential for your body and soul, that is to eat a natural diet, that is a diet that is correct for you, be hydrated, think positive and understand how the body functioning.
My own feelings, thoughts and reaction to this statement are many. Excitement bubbled up when I read the statement and understood I have to express my own reactions and feelings around it, even if I sometimes have trouble getting my head around my thoughts and get them down on paper. The second, and biggest, reaction on the statement is a feeling of “doubt”. I believe everything to be possible, everything I read is common sense in my head, I understand the course material, but I am that kind of person that needs proof, I want to experience it. I want to see the change start, develop and end, and not just read about it. But I know I won’t be able to experience this until I am further into the course and have started working on case histories. When I think about who I am, who I want to be and how this vary so often. I want to be giving of love, motivated to learn and be happier then ever, at all times. But this varies and I admit that I have asked myself, why do I have to make an effort, should it not just happen? This is the proof that I need, as I mentioned earlier, disease and imbalance does limiting our potential!
Everything in the course material is common sense and that makes me believe in everything I read. Stress in a sick person, or healthy, does limiting the expression of whom we are. Wise verse, the fact that we are not the one we can be, we become more stressed. We have to listen to ourselves and ignore all distractions around us. Otherwise we will listen to everyone else then ourselves and become someone we are not.
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Detox/Rening
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Fiber is necessary for a healthy bowel as it is an important substance for elimination of toxic and byproduct as they bind to the fiber. It also controls the rate at which elimination takes place, as it is stimulating bowel movement. Fiber is made up of different combinations of cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, beta-glucan, chitin, gums, lignin and resistant starches.
The dietary fibers are either soluble or insoluble, and they are both promoting a healthy bowel. Soluble fibers are slowing down the digestion while insoluble fibers are making the food pass quicker through the body. Both soluble and insoluble fiber absorbs water, but only the soluble creates a gel-like substance that is promoting a healthy bowel. The gel is the reason digestion slows down as it prolongs the digestion. It is therefore used to stabilize the blood sugar as absorption of carbohydrates is prolonged.
One reason fibers from vegetables are more preferred then the fibers from breakfast cereals is because it is more natural in the vegetables. The breakfast cereals have most of the time been exposed to both heat and pressure during production/formation. In the making of cereals a lot of chemicals (unnatural process) might have been used and chemical agents can be added to make it look, smell, taste or feel a specific way. Crazy, I know! It is also normal that the fibers are added after the substances have been treated with all different sorts of techniques, products that from the beginning contained fiber, minerals and vitamins. Now long gone! The added fibers are not as natural as it was from the beginning and as natural as in vegetables and fruits.
If the companies are using the whole grain and are not removing the outer cover/bran, there is a risk that mineral deficiency develops. This because there is a substance called phytic acid in the outer cover, that are preventing absorption of minerals by getting attached to mineral such as zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. We know that fibers are not absorbed and if the minerals bind to the fiber, they won’t be absorbed either. Most fibers are located in the outer layer of a grain and not much inside the layer/covering/membrane. But as we are comparing fibers from “green” kingdom and cereals with bran, we know that the cereal product contain fiber (as most of the fiber are in the bran) and also that mineral deficiency can develop if too high amount are taken.
Most vegetables contain soluble fiber and are therefore lengthening the digestion time and controlling bowel movement. But it is not possible to draw a line and say “Grains are insoluble and vegetables are not”, as they contain both. It depends on the build-up of that particular fiber. As mention at the beginning, fibers are build up of different combinations of cellulose (insoluble), hemicelluloses (insoluble and soluble), pectin (soluble), beta-glucan (insoluble and soluble) , chitin, gums, lignin (insoluble) and resistant starches, and all of these building blocks react differently. As fruit and vegetables contain soluble fiber it is also good for detoxification and elimination of byproducts, one example is bile that can bind to the fiber and therefore be eliminated from the body. Grains are most of the time insoluble, but exceptions exist.
The vegetables and fruits are also rich in minerals and vitamins that are important for detoxification (from within) as it can support the liver (the main cleaning station of the test tube). Potassium, sulfur (union and Brussels sprouts), chlorine (celery) are some that are helping detoxification. But this brings up another important difference of fiber from vegetables & fruit, and grains. Fruits and vegetables contain much more mineral and vitamins then grains do, and this is an important part as well. Grains mainly give energy in the form of carbohydrates, instead of giving nutrients.
If we are cooking the vegetables slightly before eating we are softening the cellulose, which makes it easier to get hold of the nutrients buried in the vegetable. This is one of the reasons we are recommended to eat both cooked and uncooked vegetables.
Another problem with cereal is the amount of gluten it may contain, if gluten free grains have not been used. The gluten can be harmful if the person are sensitive or allergic, which is more a norm/rule than an exception it this community.
Good sources of fiber include a number of grains used in breakfast cereals: barley, oats, corn, millet, wheat, wild rice, brown rice, kashi and bulgur are some grains commonly found in breakfast cereals and porridges.
Kategori: -Pluggdagar
Kategori: -Pluggdagar